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Is there any Chemical in this Bio Refresh Strip?

No. There is No Chemical in this Strip. It works on Frequency Embedded Technology.

Is it approved by FSSAI?

Yes. The Bio Refresh Strip is approved by FSSAI vide FSSAI Licence No

How much quantity of Fish can be treated with this water?

Tons and Tons of seafood can be treated with this Strip. Each Strip will treat 200 litres of water in 60 minutes time. One can prepare 1000s of litres of water with this strip every day. If required more Strips can be added to higher capacity tanks to treat more quantity of water at a time. On an average each drum of 200 Litres can be used for treating upto 500 Kgs of Seafood stuff at a time. Change the water and charge it fresh for the next 500 Kgs.

What is the life of the Charged water?

Use the charged water within 24 Hours of charging.

What is the Life of this Strip?

The life of this Strip is 2 years from the date of First use. It can be used for 24 hours a day if required.

Can we use this Strip for extending Shelf Life of Vegetables?

Yes, This strip is highly useful in extending the shelf life of Leafy green vegetables like Spinach ( Palak), Coriander Leaf etc., and all green vegetables by more than 72 hours.

What kinds of Seafood can be treated with this water?

All kinds of Seafoods like Fish, Prawns, Shrimps, Lobsters, Crabs etc., can be treated with this water.

Can we make ICE bars with this water?

Yes. You can make ICE bars with this water. It will be far more effective in Extending the Shelf Life of seafood than a normal Ice.

How Bio Refresh strip will be used in Aqua culture?

After the Harvest of the Seafood stock, rinse or pour this Bio Refresh water over the seafood stock tray before transportation.
Also sprinkle this water over the packed ice. The seafood stock will remain fresh when it reaches the destination and beyond.

Can Bio Refresh Water be used for extending the Shelf life of Meat, Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Chicken etc.,?

Yes. Bio Refresh Water can be sprayed over these items, to extend their Shelf Life. Apart from Shelf Life Extension there will be No Flies around the place and there will be no bad odour.