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Testimonial 1

Dead fish - Shelf Life Extension Experiment Using our Bio Fresh strip dipped water
2 no's. Fresh Fish purchased at 1.00 pm on 06.03.22.for experiment.
5 litres of Plain water was filled in a bucket and Bio Fresh Life Extender Strip was dropped into it.
After 30 minutes
1 fish was dipped into this water and kept in open.
The normal fish (control) was kept by the side of the treated (test) fish.
At 9.00 pm 06.03.22
The UNTREATED Fish started turning colour and started emitting bad smell.
The Bio Fresh water treated Fish, remained fresh with no color change and no smell.
At 7.00 am 07.03.22 , ( after 18 hours) the Bio Fresh Treated Fish still remained Fresh. No signs of colour change or decay.
At.2.00 pm 07.03.22 ( after 25 hours kept in open) the treated Fish has not shown any discolouration or emitting any foul smell. Remains as fresh as how it was 25 hours back!
The experiment is continuing to finally figure out the actual shelf life extension. Upto 2.00 pm , the Shelf life extension achieved is 215% - which is 2.15 times, shelf life Extension.
We will update the final figure as and when we arrive at.
Final Observation : At 7.00 pm on 07.03.22 ( after 30 hours ) the Fish that was TREATED - dipped in Bio Fresh water & kept in open ( not in any cold storage facility) started to smell bad.
But the discolouration was 20-30% only, but in a Fit for cooking condition.
The UNTREATED Fish lasted only for 8 hours.
Observation: The BIO FRESH water extended the Shelf Life of the Dead Fish by 275% or. 2.75 times when kept in open.

Testimonial 2

FEEDBACK FROM TANZANIA , EAST AFRICA. Mr Tom Muzuku - Seafood Exporter.

Fish transported in an open Truck for 32 Hours (500+ kms) without Cold Storage facility , remained Fresh and Saleable on arrival after 32 Hours and the same Fish was sold for 100% value. Zero spoilage, Zero Loss on Sales.

This lot of fish was treated after purchase with bio life extender after a 32 hours journey the fish has arrived still fresh as you can see on photo. Fish Buyer here in city is amazed at fish quality

Testimonial 3

Bio refresh water is poured over the fish basket. After this the fish in the basket lasted for more than 20 hours! Feedback from Calcutta.

Testimonial 4

Fish kept in open remained fresh for 22 hours documented by a Fish Dealer.

Testimonial 5

Below are the videos after using our shelf life extender strip Bio Refresh received from Tanzania.
05/06/2022. 22:00 pm. small basin is untreated vegetables and bigger basin is treated vegetables.
06/06/2022. 7:30 am. Small basin Control. Have started showing signs of withering. Bigger basin Experiment. The vegetables maintained freshness and leaf gained firmness even fruits like Avocados which were over ripen gained some firmness. This is after 7 Hours of trials. We shall continue to give observations. Our next trial will be octopus shrimp and other fishes.
We did trials of vegetables after 38 hours. Vegetables are still fresh. Bean leaf after 38 hours on the open.

Testimonial 6



Testimonial 7

Corriander after 50 hours in open, after treated with Bio Refresh water.