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Bio Refresh - Shelf Life Extension at its Best!!

This Technology based Strip is a Researched & Invented Frequencies Embedded Strip at Molecular level using our Proprietary Frequencies Embedding Technology and is meant to help EXTENDING the Shelf Life of PERISHABLES like Sea Food, Vegetables etc., by Neutralizing the effects of decay inducing Spoiler Bacteria, USING WATER ONLY. NO ICE OR COLD STORAGE / REFREGIRATION IS REQUIRED. After the water is treated with Bio Refresh Strip, DIP and RINSE the Seafood Stuff / Vegetables in this water for about 5 seconds to trigger the Shelf Life Extension process. Now, the Seafood Stuff / Vegetables can be kept in OPEN for a minimum of 24 hours and it will still remain FRESH and in a CONSUMABLE / SALEABLE condition. It may sound impossible but It is possible with our Technology and it is happening on the ground.

Our Unique Products

How to use Bio Refresh Strip?

  • Drop or suspend the Bio Refresh strip into a water container of size 1 to 200 liters (as required) for a minimum of 30 minutes
    (60 minutes is ideal for bigger quantities).
  • As soon as the Bio Refresh Strip touches the water it begins to transfer its embedded Frequency to the water and the water is converted into a Bacteria Neutralizer & Shelf Life Extending Water
  • Now DIP the Seafoods Stuff into this water and drench it fully with this water and take it out.
  • Now you can keep the Seafood Stuff in open. It will remain FRESH for the next 24 Hours +.
  • If after the treatment, the Seafood Stuff is kept in Cold Storage, the Shelf Life of Seafood gets extended further, than without treatment.


  • Take only the required quantity of water for Charging.
  • Drop/Suspend the Strip in water for a Minimum of 60 minutes. (upto 100 liters)
  • Maximum quantity of water that can be charged at a time is 200 liters and allow a minimum time of 1-2 hours of Strip in water
    (for 200 liters).
  • More the time the Strip is in water, more is the energy retention in water.
  • Use the water within 24 hours of charging.

Unique Advantages & Salient Features of Bio Refresh Strip Water

  • Chemical Free Shelf Life Extension, using only your Natural Water. Therefore it is totally safe with no side effects whatsoever.
  • No Cold Storage Facility required. Huge electricity cost saved.
  • No ice required. Therefore no expenditure on ice purchase.
  • Experiments have shown that Shelf Life of Sea food stuff extends by 24-38 Hours, without a cold storage facility.
  • Transportation of the Seafood stuff to final destinations (upto 24 hours) can be done in an Unrefrigerated Transport, if the stuff is treated with this water.
  • It is a boon for vendors selling seafood in open as they can sell the stuff for 24 hours+ and realize the full value of the stuff without wastage.
  • It prevents the spoilage of Sea Food stuff & converts it to money.
  • Loss in Seafood business because of Spoilage/wastage will become a thing of the past, if you use Bio Refresh Strip.
  • Trawlers/Boats can ensure that their catch in the first few days remain still fresh when they reach the shores after many days.
    They have to only dip their catch in this water and put it in storage.
  • It improves the economic prosperity of the vendors, Importers /Exporters of Seafood, as wastages are avoided, because of the additional Shelf Life extension this water offers.
  • If the Ice Bar is made with this Water, the Shelf Life extension is far better than normal Ice Bar. It offers great value addition to the Ice Bar in terms of extended shelf life extension and ensuring quality of the Seafood.
  • The melting of ice bars is far slower when this water is used for making Ice Bars or when this water is sprinkled over Ice chips in the packing box.
  • Many users have reported, that the TASTE of the Sea food stuff is far better and original if the same is dipped in this water, in comparison to iced/frozen Seafood.
  • It is a BOON to all segments of people involved in Seafood Business/Trade/Profession, such as Small and Big Fishermen, Vendors, Wholesale & Retail Vendors, Exporters, Importers, as this Strip water prevents spoilage of Seafood and helps to convert the possible spoilage into money.
  • Harvested Aqua Culture Seafood Stuff can be transported without Cold Storage to the Destination for upto 24 hours+ when the harvested stuff is treated with this Strip water.
  • Bio Refresh Strip ensures that dealing in Seafood stuff is no longer riskier as before, when you use this water for Shelf Life Extension.
  • Bio Refresh water helps to Extend shelf Life of Green Vegetables, including Leafy Vegetables like Spinach ( Palak), Coriander Leaf etc., by more than 72 Hours.

Life of the Bio Refresh Strip.

  • Life of this Strip is 2 years from the date of first use.
  • The Strip can be used for 24 Hours a day and one can make many thousands of liters of energized water every day.
  • After use, keep the strip in shade away from sunlight.
  • Once the water is charged, it should be used within 24 hours.