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This Technology based Strip is a Researched & Invented Frequencies Embedded Strip at Molecular level using our Proprietary Frequencies Embedding Technology and is meant to help EXTENDING the Shelf Life of PERISHABLES like Sea Food, Vegetables etc., by Neutralizing the effects of decay inducing Spoiler Bacteria, USING WATER ONLY. NO ICE OR COLD STORAGE / REFREGIRATION IS REQUIRED. After the water is treated with Bio Refresh Strip, DIP and RINSE the Seafood Stuff / Vegetables in this water for about 5 seconds to trigger the Shelf Life Extension process. Now, the Seafood Stuff / Vegetables can be kept in OPEN for a minimum of 24 hours and it will still remain FRESH and in a CONSUMABLE / SALEABLE condition. It may sound impossible but It is possible with our Technology and it is happening on the ground.